Scientific Conferences

Multiple topics, perspectives, and organizations.


We host conferences each year for WBCP members and interested clinicians, with CME/CE credits available. We also collaborate with other organizations to co-sponsor events.

Events are scheduled throughout the year, focusing on: Cultural Competency, hosted by COWAP to increase a clinician’s competency within various cultural topics; A variety of issues within the LGBTQ communities are presented at the LGBTQ Conference; Ethics Conferences discuss various issues around ethics from a psychoanalytic viewpoint; Restricted to members of WBCP, Colloquium presents original papers by members of the WBCP community; The Raphling Conference presents various topics within psychoanalytic technique; Community Psychoanalysis Colloquium considers topics related to community psychoanalysis.

Continuing Education Units are not issued for partial attendance of one day programs


For more information about the Scientific Conferences please contact Nancy Ingraham, PsyD, Chair at



Saturday, September 14, 2024 | 11:00 am12:30 pm

COWAP: “Women, The Longest Revolution”- Session 1: Virginia Ungar

Session 1: The Female Psychoanalyst’s Longest Revolution

Participants: Virginia Ungar, Margarita Valladares, and Margarita Cereijido, Chair

Date: September 14, 2024

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET 

Registration Link:

Click Here to View the Program Flyer

Registration Deadline: September 11, 2024

Description: Notions of woman and the feminine have changed dramatically over the last decades and this is reflected in how women perceive themselves, how they are perceived by society, and how this is understood from a psychoanalytic perspective.  Inspired by the title of Juliet Mitchell’s iconic book, “Women: The longest revolution,” we will explore the ongoing changes experienced by the female psychoanalyst, including analytic training and later professional life. It will discuss issues about prejudice, authority, and working online.

Virginia Ungar will talk about her struggles as the first IPA woman president in 102 years, and will have a conversation with Margarita Valladares, a psychoanalytic candidate, and Margarita Cereijido. The audience will reflect with the presenters about how our thinking has changed.




Sunday, October 6, 2024 | 1:00 pm4:00 pm

Raphling Memorial Lecture

Racial Rage, Racial Guilt: The Uses of Anger in Asian America

Presenter: David Eng

Date: October 6, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

In-Person Presentation

Post Hall 

George Washington University Mt. Vernon

Registration Link: 

Program Flyer: 

Registration Deadline: October 2, 2024

Description: Asian Americans are conventionally described as “middle-man minorities,” outside of dominant racial paradigms of white and black, adjunct to white privilege and exempt from the brunt of systemic violence directed against Black people. Historical accounts of the in-betweenness of Asian Americans trace their origins to how Asian coolie labor has served to triangulate white capital and African slavery over the course of European modernity. If this is the material history of in-betweenness, what is the psychic corollary of the middle-man thesis? Through an analysis of the Netflix dark comedy series Beef, as well as case histories of Asian American patients and students, I argue that the psychic effects of occupying a racially intermediate position implicate an unexplored terrain of racial rage and racial guilt that Asian Americans are insistently socialized to hold on behalf of others.

Sunday, October 20, 2024 | 1:00 pm4:00 pm

LGBTQ+ Workshop (Registration Opening This Summer)

Date: October 20, 2024

Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Presenter: Sam Guzzardi, LCSW

“Holding Laplanche Lightly: The Story of Two Queer Treatments”

Via Zoom

More information coming soon. Registration opens in the Summer.

Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 11:00 am12:30 pm

COWAP: “Women, The Longest Revolution”: Session 2: Romance

Session 2: What Ever Happened to Romance on the Revolutionary Road?

Participants: Janice Lieberman, Chair, Danielle Knafo, Arlene Heyman, and Isaac Tylim

Date: October 26, 2024

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET

Registration Link:

Click Here to View the Program Flyer

Registration Deadline: October 23, 2024

Description: It has been observed by many that there seems to be an absence of “romance” in courtship, dating and marriage today, whether the partners are straight or gay. Many feminists have written that romance creates more inequality between men and women. Juliet Mitchell, in her book “Women: The Longest Revolution” writes that:” Romantic love seems to me to seek an ideal; if it attains its idealized object, then it ceases to be romantic love”. It can turn to disillusionment or even hate. Comparisons will be made between notions of romance 50 years ago vs. today: changes in meeting and dating one another, the use of technology to communicate:  dating apps, texting, sexting, the social media will be discussed. Cultural norms (monogamy, polyamory) and interpsychic patterns ( more fragile narcissism)  as well as the breakdown of the traditional gender binary (chronic fatigue of working parents) are part of the explanation.



Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 11:00 am12:30 pm

COWAP: “Women, The Longest Revolution”: Session 3: In Her Own Voice

Session 3: In Her Own Voice: Challenging Theories of Women’s Development

Participants: Nancy Kulish and Catherine Mallouh

Date: December 14, 2024

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET

Registration Link:

Click Here to View the Program Flyer

Registration Deadline: December 11, 2024

Description: Notions of woman and the feminine have changed dramatically over the last decades and this is reflected in how women perceive themselves, how they are perceived by society, and how they are understood from a psychoanalytic perspective. This program will look at the ways in which Nancy Kulish has transformed and enriched psychoanalytic thinking about female development, femininity and gender. With Deanna Holtzman, she broke new ground in reformulating Freud’s notion of the feminine Oedipal and radically incorporating a feminist perspective on women’s sexuality and girl’s and women’s experiences, a perspective which has deepened our understanding of the early relationship to the mother. She has also considered the female body and women’s conflicts around competition and envy. Her ideas have had implications for clinical work with women and the struggles they face both internally and in the society at large. Catherine Mallouh will be in conversation with Nancy about her the development of her ideas and how she views sexuality and gender and women’s development now.

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