Refund Policy

  • Registration Fees are non-refundable.

  • Membership dues are non-refundable unless requested for extenuating circumstances or if your membership application is not approved by the WBCP Board of Directors.

  • For PSP Students and Candidates following the signing of the Enrollment Contract:

    1. Each PSP student or candidate is provided a period of seventy-two (72) hours to rescind any contract and to receive a refund of all prepaid tuition unless the candidate has entered training. This period shall commence from the date of signing but shall not include or end on any Saturday or Sunday or legal holiday. This does not apply if a PSP student or candidate has begun instruction. A PSP student or candidate has begun instruction upon attendance of one or more classes.

    2. Refunds shall be made within 30 days of the last day of attendance provided that written notification has been given to the school by the PSP students or candidates; otherwise, refunds shall be made within 30 days from the date the school determines that the PSP student or candidate has withdrawn. In all instances, the refund shall be based on and computed from the last day of attendance.

    3. Cancellation prior to commencement of class by the PSP student or candidate will result in the forfeiture of the registration fee, but in no case will more than $100.00 be retained. If a refund is due, it will be made within 30 days of the start of the program, as stated in the Enrollment Contract.

    4. If a PSP student or candidate begins instruction and withdraws or is discontinued for any reason after instruction begins prior to completion of sixty percent (60%) of the scheduled program, the PSP student or candidate will be refunded a sum which is the exact pro rata portion of tuition unexpended by the PSP student or candidate, rounded to the nearest ten percent (10%), less any unpaid non-tuition charges owed by the PSP student or candidate for the period of enrollment for which the student/candidate has been charged, and less a reasonable administrative fee not to exceed the lesser of five percent (5%) of the tuition or one hundred dollars ($ 100).

      1. (a) The prorated amount will be determined by the ratio of the number of weeks or lessons in the series of instruction completed by the student to the total number of weeks or lessons of instruction offered.

      2. (b) Any portion of a week’s attendance by a PSP student or candidate shall be considered a full week’s attendance.

    5. Withdrawal after completion of 60% of the scheduled program will obligate the PSP student or candidate for the entire amount as stated in the Enrollment Agreement.

    6. Any refund required to be made to a non-immigrant alien shall be payable to each PSP student or candidate:

      1. (a) within 30 days after the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States has certified to the school which is obligated to make the refund that the non-immigrated alien has departed from the United States, and only.

      2. (b) in the currency of the country of which the non-immigrant alien candidate is a citizen.

    7. This refund policy is in accordance with the provisions of the DCMR, Chapter 5-A81, Section 5-A8119 of the Government of the District of Columbia rules and regulations concerning postsecondary non-degree schools.