Policies & Code of Conduct

Our Community Vision.

Code of Conduct

Washington Baltimore Institute Code of Conduct for Members, Teachers, and Trainees

Trainees and Faculty, as Members of the WBCP community, are expected to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity and civility. These core values are key components of the WBCP experience and reflect the community’s expectations of its membership.

Our psychoanalytic and clinical psychotherapy training programs are continuing education programs for licensed clinicians who retain individual legal responsibility for their own clinical work. Members, faculty and trainees agree to practice within the professional and ethical guidelines of their licensing authority, and within the American Psychoanalytic Association Ethical Guidelines.

The WBCP has a standing Ethics Committee and a Colleague Assistance Committee.

It is important for all participants in Institute classes and programs to be familiar with the Code of Ethics of the American Psychoanalytic Association (https://apsa.org/code-of-ethics).

Of particular note are: The General Principles of Ethics for Psychoanalysts:

Respect for Persons

“The psychoanalyst is expected to treat patients and their families, students and colleagues with respect and care. Discrimination on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status is ethically unacceptable.”


“The psychoanalyst should deal honestly and forthrightly with patients, patient’s families in the case of those who are minors, students and colleagues. Being aware of the ambiguities and complexities of human relationships and communications, the psychoanalyst should engage in an active process of self-monitoring in pursuit of truthful therapeutic and professional exchanges.”

The statement will be regularly reviewed with students, faculty, staff and other members of the WBCP community. All members of the community will be asked to sign a statement affirming that they have read both the Institute Code of Conduct and the American Psychoanalytic Association Code of Ethics and agree to abide by both.

Statement of Confidentiality

Statements on Confidentiality and Video Settings for Virtual Programs 1/20/21

Confidentiality Statement:

The Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of all clinical information and material related to patients and treatment.

To that end:

  • I agree to follow the WBCP policy to maintain ethical and professional standards to ensure confidentiality
  • I will not discuss or convey outside of the program any clinical material, nor
    record said material
  • I will maintain a secure environment so that only I will be privy to the presentation
  • If I suspect that I recognize the identity of the patient(s), I will leave immediately

Statement on Video Setting for Virtual Programs:

Due to the confidentiality of the material presented in this program, we request all attendees leave their video setting on during the presentation. You may request special permission from the organizers if there are reasons you are unable to meet this request. If your video setting is off and you have not previously communicated with us by email or chat during the program to discuss this matter, unfortunately we will need to remove you from the program.

Disclosure Statements

  1. Disclosure statement APA:  Unless otherwise noted, there is no known commercial support for our programs.
  2. Disclosure statement APsaA: IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION FOR ALL LEARNERS: Unless otherwise noted, none of the planners and presenters for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s)* to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

* Financial relationships are relevant if the educational content an individual can control is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company. Updated July 2021



Policy Summary

The WBCP (Center) is committed to maintaining a positive climate for study and work,
in which individuals are judged solely on relevant factors, such as skill and
performance, and can pursue their activities in an atmosphere that is free from
discrimination, harassment, and violence. The WBCP does not condone discrimination
on the basis of sex or gender in any of its educational programs or activities, nor in its
employment practices. Sexual harassment is destructive to such a climate and will not
be tolerated in the WBCP community

The Center prohibits all workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, of any kind.
Harassment is any unwelcome conduct directed at a specific person that causes substantial
emotional distress in such person, or words, gestures, and actions which tend to annoy, alarm,
and abuse another person. Conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, coerce, or impair a
member of the Center from contributing to the Center’s mission is considered to be harassment.
Conduct that is unwelcome and becomes a condition for continued access to an educational
program or activity or a positive evaluation of a student, faculty, employee or other member of
the WBCP community is also considered to be harassment.

The following examples may be considered harassment and are not exclusive:

• May be blatant and intentional and involve an overt action, a threat or reprisal,
or may be subtle and indirect, with a coercive aspect that is unstated. 

 Does not have to include intent to harm or be directed at a specific target. 

• May occur in any context, although the context often involves a power differential
between two persons, which may be due to differences in social, educational, or
employment relationships. 

• May occur in digital environments including but not limited to social media,
web sites, educational platforms, and electronic mail. 

• May be a one-time event or may be part of a pattern of behavior. 

• May be committed in the presence of others or when the parties are alone.

• May affect not only the person at whom it is directed, but also third parties
who witness or observe harassment

The Center prohibits sexual harassment, which is defined as unwanted or unwelcome sexual behavior. Sexual harassment includes physical behavior such as unwanted touching, and verbal behavior including comments, jokes or written communications. Sexual harassment can be committed by or against individuals of any sex or gender and can occur between individuals of the same sex/gender or different sexes/genders. Sexual harassment can also occur between strangers or acquaintances, as well as persons involved in intimate, sexual, dating, domestic, or familial relationships.