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Sunday, April 28, 2024 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Virtual Social Hour (Members Only Event)

Dear Friends and Colleagues (all WBCP members):

The Membership Committee is happy to announce that we plan to host a virtual “Social Hour” (Previously Cocktail hour) on Sunday, April 28th at 5pm.  This new name is meant to reflect the larger purpose of the get together, to see friends and colleagues, and have some time together to socialize and have fun.  We hope you can make it and would love to see you there!

Dr. Suzanne Haddad continues to manage technology for this event.  If you need any assistance getting on-line for this event, please feel free to reach out to Suzanne.

The format remains the same, in that we meet in a larger group and then break apart for two smaller, more intimate chats.  This event runs less than an hour and is a great chance to meet up and converse.

Below is the link you will need to click on in order to attend.  All members are invited to join, and there is no pre-registration.

For zoom link click here:


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